Targa Tasmania

Up In Smoke

The crew 
The Prologue 
Goin' Up the Country 
To Hobart 
Up In Smoke 
The Finish 

HOBART, TASMANIA, Australia -- Friday, May 12:

The American Girls are back snug at the hotel, their hopes for Targa Trophies up in smoke---literally. It came pouring from the exhaust of their Saab Sonett after they suffered a holed piston in the next-to-last stage of the day. “Still,” said Teresa, “we did as we’d been told: Drive it till it won’t go any more.”

The pair had managed the day’s stages in good order, finishing below the Targa Trophy times in every instance, and were looking forward to the final two days of competition, when the V4 engine went BANG. Nevertheless, though the team’s efforts came to a sudden end, the pair have good feelings about their performance during the four days they ran Targa Tasmania. “At least we didn’ t prang it,” said Teresa, noting the alarming number of cars that had finished their runs upside down, off the road, or bent.

As for future Targa Tasmania plans, all agreed that they will return. “But next time,” said Teresa, “I think we’ll bring a spare engine as well.”

Reprinted with permission of the author.


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